The phrase ‘buy cheap, buy twice’ couldn’t be truer in the case of conservation tools. This is why our solid reputation for long lasting craftsmanship and proven longevity makes Willard tools and equipment the sustainable choice for conservation.
Don’t just take our word for it either! Just a few years ago, we received a call from a long-standing customer, asking about a repair for his much loved and used heated spatula. He had owned the tool for so long he didn’t know how old it was so we asked him to send it to our workshops and we’d see what we could do.

Once the heated spatula and control unit arrived with us, we checked the serial number and discovered the year of manufacture was 1976, which makes it 40 years old! This was the first time we’ve seen this item back in our workshops since manufacture, and have since successfully repaired the tools and returned them to their very happy owner. This story also attests to the fact that our tools are fully repairable even after 40 years, which minimizes the use of valuable resources and reduces their impact on the environment. Read the full customer story here.
Here is another customer testimonial paying testament to our high build quality…
“You Brits are good at making things that last, and I shall long treasure the Willard Heat Spatula. Unfortunately, today most things DO NOT LAST. Your products are a good example of traditional craftsmanship. Let us hope that the Heat Spatula continues to work well for another 30 years.”
-Barney Lamar, Conservator of Art, South Carolina, USA
Bespoke Products
Why waste time and money on tools and equipment that may only be used for a handful of projects when you can add features and specific requirements tailored to what could maximise a products use in the studio. As manufacturers of Willard tools and equipment, we can offer tailored tool and equipment solutions to meet specific conservation needs as well as provide a consultation service for full studio fit outs.

Green minded sourcing and packaging
We are committed to the production of responsibly manufactured products using sustainable sources and ensuring our environmental impact is kept to the minimum possible level.
We are also pleased to use only recycled or biodegradable materials in our packaging.
For more information about how our products and services can help your studio use more sustainable products, please get in touch.